Reflection in window in Altamira

Christopher Anderson

A man in a devil costume runs around the streets of La Vega before a rally for Chavez. The act is to make fun of the idea of the 'red devil of socialism'

Scenes from El Alto, a slum above La Paz, Bolivia

Aerials of Bolivia

A man lies wounded in gaza hospital after an Israeli shell landed on beach in Gaza killing 6 people

Mahanis James tells the story of how she contracted the virus from her husband who was having 'down low' sex

Herman Braxton has later stage AIDS. Here he is in his home in Staton Island, NY

President Hugo Chavez and entourage

Scenes from the Next Stop bar in in the 9th Ward. During Mardis Gras weekend, the Next stop bar became on of the centers of activity for evacuees who returned for the weekend to reconnect with the community

Street scene on the mean streets of Caracas at night

An 'Indian' chief marches through the neighborhoods of the 9th and 7th wards during Mardi Gras. This is an old custom and many people returned to these hard hit neighborhoods from exile in places like Texas to keep the tradition alive.
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